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    maio 21, 2016

    The Boy from Yesterday

    Chapter 1:  The Illusion of the Idyll
        It wasn't the glow of the morning sun on the dew-soaked green hills of the prairie that Tom Flannery loved best about his early-morning horseback rides with his best friend, Sam Beckins, with Tom astride  Chestnut, and Sam riding Blitzen (so named for the lightning-shaped white streak on his dark brown forehead).  It wasn't even the grin on Sam's face as he took off and rode past Tom and Chestnut, with Blitzen racing toward some unseen goal at the top of the hill while Sam shouted, "You awake there, yet, Tom?" as he rode by.  "Good morning to you, scoundrel," said Tom as he also gave a light kick to Chestnut's flanks, who took off following Blitzen in a race that had no particular finish line and offered no real prize, except for Tom and Sam to each defend his horsemanship against his benign rival.  It wasn't even the majestic view of green, rolling prairie from the top of the hill, horses breathing heavily from the sprint, that was his favorite. ...

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